Central Placement Cell (Engineering)
Placement Process
Companies that wish to conduct recruitment drive at Zeal College of Engineering & Research, Pune should send an E-mail to dcoer@zealeducation.com mentioning the details below:
Job Profile
Preferred Skill set
Approximate CTC / Salary Range
Please fill in the registration form on Zeal website (https://zealcpc.com/industry-section/)
Based on this information, the placement cell will have a discussion with the company SPOCS and decide on a schedule.
The students are informed about the placement drive through E-mail.
Interested students register for the drive.
Once registered, if students opt out of the process, they are exempted for the further recruitment process.
Zeal prepares for the drive which is conducted as scheduled. Once the process begins, the flow of the process is completely left to the company’s choice. All the facilities, hospitality and logistics are arranged by the Placement cell.
If the number of vacancies is not a big enough or if the company cannot come to the campus, we send them the resumes of the shortlisted candidates and further ask students to attend the interview at the venue arranged by the company. Post-interview process: The Company sends the list of shortlisted students to the placement cell.